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Aslı Kır (2019)

Aslı KIR earned her Bachelor of Arts Degree in English Language and Literature from Atılım University in 2004. During her study in the department, she obtained an ELT certificate from the same institution and completed her internship in the College of Atılım. Her teaching experience in the ELT certificate course helped her decide to proceed in the teaching field. After her graduation, she went to the UK and took various field-related certificate courses, which gave her a chance to learn from distinguished trainers. She got her TEFL certificate from the Trinity College in 2006. She later earned her Master’s Degree in Teaching English as a Foreign Language from the University of Essex in 2007. Her academic career started at Yaşar University, where she began working as an ESL instructor in 2008. Since 2009, she has been teaching EAP and ESP courses to freshmen and sophomores. Having worked in an organic group, she gained experience and took responsibility for analyzing the needs of specific sets of students and departments, designing curriculum and preparing tests and assessment methods for these courses. As she has always had some interest in the management field, in 2012, she was awarded the SIT International Diploma in Language Teaching Management (IDLTM). In 2016, she was appointed as Coordinator of the Academic English Program in the School of Foreign Languages at Yaşar University. Her teacher-training program (TBT) in SIT is in its second stage.